Ring around the roses

Life can be surprising at times and can sometimes make you question reality. Such did happen to me once and it was quite creepy. This story is about a little girl, a strange poem, and a ring. The story goes:

I was carrying an umbrella as I walked down the street because it was heavily pouring. 

I looked around for a shop where I could buy a ring and some groceries and saw a little girl without an umbrella dancing and singing a tune in a ghostly and creepy manner. She sang," Ring around the roses pocketful of posies, ashes, ashes, we all fall down." I leaned down to her eye level and asked her to maybe go to her house and play as she might get sick. She, however, didn't care and kept on singing the tune. 

She then suddenly held my hand tightly and gave me a ring telling me to never take it off.
I put on the ring and decided to go back home. Just as I got up my body started moving on its own. 
I started spinning and my mouth moved," Ring around the roses, pocket full of posies, ashes, ashes, we all fall down." The girl had vanished in thin air and suddenly the rain stopped. But, instead of a clear sky, fireballs started falling and burning everything. Just as the ring forced me to say," We all fall down" people started dying and screaming because of the fire. I don't remember anything after that except throwing the ring on the floor, fainting, and waking up in a hospital. The people, I am sorry to say, died and only one person remained alive. The police don't believe me and the girl is nowhere to be seen. Years have passed but the poem's tune still haunts me in my dreams to this day."

~ The End ~
