The spirit of room 13


Elijah and I worked in a hospital before we decided to quit to go to another one. There was this myth about room 13 and how some "creepy demonic lady" haunted the place. You might be laughing, I know it's hard to believe- I couldn't either till I saw for myself.

The incident goes,  On the bed, a woman was lying in dreadful condition.

She was a suicidal patient as her son's death gave her severe depression and anxiety. All the staff made sure she didn't do anything like that. But one day, she planned everything. Just after the night shift nurses left her room, she quietly locked the door and poisoned herself.

To make sure the nurses don't reach her easily, she poured garbage onto the floor. It's said that she is still present in that room, finding her son. Patients that stayed in room 13 complain about nightmares and whispers along with screaming cries. (...Patients are mostly children - boys...). Elijah claimed that he saw the bed shake when the patient was dead.

The eyes of a dying person are like a bright day, but clouds and fog take place into almost pure whiteness. The body becomes cold when in room 13, and patients become boiling. 

The room's door suddenly becomes shut and opens by itself. Elevators at night go to different floors without someone pushing any buttons.

Elijah and I had enough and decided to finally quit. However, the spirit remains there to this day."

     The End
