The Huge Book


Jeremy, an 18-year-old, was finding a part-time job. IT was around 9:36 pm when he was on his computer searching for job articles. 

One job caught his interest; looking for a night guard for the “Rainy Hills Library”. Jeremy knew that library as his parents had taken him there before when he was little.

 It also had his favorite novels. He applied for the job and they replied almost instantly.

Jeremy was told to come the next day.

At college, he met his friends during lunch break. He excitedly told them about his new job, but they all became emotionless and looked a bit worried. Jeremy’s friends hurriedly told him to re-consider working there and ran away, leaving Jeremy stunned.

That night at 8:20 pm, Jeremy was sitting on the couch with his laptop. There were still 40 minutes until 9:00, so he decided to check out the reviews from the previous night guards to know more about the job.

It turned out the reviews were blocked. Jeremy left at 9:05 pm and reached his destination at 9:35. The sky was pitch black and Jeremy could tell it was about to rain. He parked his car and knocked on the old, wooden, rugged door. The door creaked open and he was greeted with a note on the ground; I’m going home. Have fun. Jeremy started looking around.

He tripped on something and was lying on the floor in pain. After a while, when the pain was better, he got up and saw that he had tripped on an odd-looking key. 

He figured it belonged to the one who left the note and then he put the key in his pocket. Jeremy luckily found a flashlight and kept looking around. He knew that it was none of his business that the key unlocks, but he couldn’t help but wonder. He decided to investigate. 

Jeremy found a narrow staircase and just as he was about to walk down it, he tripped again. He noticed that there were numbers written on the floor; 3699_. There was a blank space with no digit.

Anyway, he walked down the stairs that led him to a locked door with a locker. The locker was locked so he proceeded to use the key he had found earlier. It worked. Inside the locker was a screen asking for a code. 

He tried 3699 but there was a missing number. He thought that I fell 2 times, so he tried 2. By coincidence, it worked. 

The door opened. He flashed the light everywhere to see what was being so protected. Jeremy’s eyes widened as he saw what lies behind. 

A  HUGE book full of dust had been carefully displayed on a giant stand. There was something odd about the book (other than the fact it was huge). The book had some weird effects to it that attracted Jeremy.

The effect pulled Jeremy toward it until it was easy enough to read. The letters were tiny so all he could read was; I am trapped. They won’t let me out. But, if I look like you, I can leave.

Reading this, a paranormal force entered Jeremy’s body. He started shaking. Suddenly, the rain became stronger and a device with sharp blades appeared. Lightning struck and Jeremy fell. Screeching could be heard because some kind of soul had possessed Jeremy, he stood up but it wasn’t him controlling his body of course…..

The owner came and rushed to the room where the book was. It was dark inside the room so he couldn’t see properly. The owner saw Jeremy’s face full of ink and a mask on the floor.


The “ink” was blood and the “mask” was JERMY’S FACE.


                             ~    THE END~





