
Rosemary had normal parents and life. She had plenty of friends and was kind. She always seemed interested in others' lives other than her own. 

One day, the gas was leaking and someone turned on the stove. The house was set on fire and her family died. She was deeply injured and fainted. She woke up in a hospital and overheard doctors saying there is a demonic presence with her. After that, she would wake up as a different person every day and a man dressed in black would always kill her in the end. She was terrified. It was as if it was constant circles of repeated torture.

Rosemary hated what was going on but couldn't do anything. Every leap year she couldn't control her body and kill. She didn't want to, but her body would refuse to obey the orders of her mind.

 Finally, Rosemary had enough of all this craziness and confusion. 

 She decided to ask the man in black what he wanted. It turned out the   man was doing it for his pleasure and so he could have something to   laugh at. Rosemary snatched his knife and stabbed him to death   ending all this madness. 

 Now, everything is normal. Police asked her where she was all these   years and even found old pictures of multiple people and one with   someone dressed in complete black. Although Rosemary claimed to   have no memories of anything, this mystery remains unsolved to this   day. 


                                                                        THE END
