Backstabbing in exchange for trust


Walking down the street, Ethan bumps into a little girl. She happily hugs him and then stares. Ethan chatted with the girl, but after a while, she says something strange. She starts by saying, “Sir, let’s play a game! I will name people and you will have to tell me how many you know." Ethan ended up knowing everyone - he seemed to have hurt each one at different periods. He stood there stunned and his skin cold. The little girl then warned him about someone he trusts the most and something about a backstabber. She then vanished. Ethan was confused but blamed it on them that it was a hot day and he was just imagining it all.

His friend Dane was coming over and Ethan was getting everything ready. Ethan was made fun of a lot and the only friends he had were Daniel and Mike. He trusted Daniel the most and would always talk to him about every problem.

As soon as Daniel arrived both the friends started giggling and having fun. After a while, Ethan told Daniel to go get something to eat from the fridge. Daniel was happy and would be delighted to eat as he didn't have breakfast. As soon as he left Ethan received a video call from him. He picked up and found Daniel sitting at the beach. Ethan was extremely confused. He went to the kitchen and saw Daniel munching down a sandwich. Ethan told Daniel everything, but he didn't seem to care. He quickly got up and made Ethan a sandwich too. After eating the sandwich, Ethan called Daniel that was on the phone. On the phone, Daniel told Ethan to come to his house and to lock the fake Daniel in the basement. Ethan quickly did as told and went to Daniel's house. As soon as he walked in he fell to the ground and fainted.

When he woke up he saw two Daniels looking down on him, who was tied to a chair. Suddenly, one of the Daniel started glitching and morphed into the other Daniel. 

It was an illusion! Daniel then grabbed Ethan's thumb and dipped it in ink so he could force him into giving his factories and money to him. After doing that Daniel happily grinned looked at Ethan and said, " You dear are too gullible and naive to trust someone you just met!" he continued, " Let this be a example to humanity to trust people, but not that easily. But,

unfortunately, this friendship was written to be till here." Saying this, he stabbed him to death becoming the official owner of everything he owned, and no one ever even suspected him to be behind Ethan's death.

             ~ The End ~
